Monday 31 March 2014

mesolithic memories post 1

Birds eye view of Hastings's Mesolithic Rock Shelters
just below ladies Parlour.

Sunday 30 March 2014

Saturday 29 March 2014


Hastings Mesolithic Memories


I hope that the preceding posts indicate the national

importance of the Hastings Mesolithic Rock Shelters.


[I will soon be posting photographs of the thousands

of Mesolithic flint tools that have been found here.]


HOWEVER! Do the rock shelters appear in any of

the promotional literature for Hastings?



What state is the prehistoric monument in?

The following photographs show that the rock shelters

have become a rubbish tip.


Imagine if this appalling sight greeted visitors to

Stone Henge or the many stone circles in Britain. And

yet, within the context of the Mesolithic,

this site is as important as they.

I feel that the local council has let us down by

not promoting the site and also allowing the litter

to degrade our prehistoric heritage.